Tara Groteluschen Photography » Blog

The Junior Project

As an artist I’m always trying to figure out what my next step is. Everyone knows I adore working with children because of the freedom and creativity that comes from being around them. In addition to my regular sessions, I wanted to create a session that took things in a different direction.

The Junior Project is a new session that not only focuses on children of all ages, BUT takes things up a notch with its style. It’s a beautiful way to capture who your child is at this moment in time with shots that are simple in nature. The sessions also allow individuals to get creative with their fashion choices. Keep it simple and classic, vintage, or trendy and fashion forward. There are no props or larger than life setups to consider…..it’s just your child and their wonderful personality.

In today’s age of self doubt I hope to shine a light on individuality and aid in building the confidence of our youth. It’s ok to be different!! Let’s use our differences as strengths and build our kids up. There is no better time than now to give your child this experience…..seriously, how do they grow so fast!?! They will have fun during the session and afterwards you will be able to share in their joy when you see the amazing images we create. Each session will include prints and a wooden keepsake box!!

Eventually I hope that people of all ages see this as an opportunity to get some beautiful artwork of themselves (moms, headshots, generation pics, etc). It’s not only a great representation of who you are, but it will become a family heirloom for your kids and their kids to cherish for years to come.

I’m offering an Open House Special on 4/28 where I will be sharing more details on these sessions as well as shooting for those that are interested!! For a limited time only these session will be offered at a discounted price.

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