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Personal Post – Photo Journals

Today’s post is a little bit different because it’s not about a past session, but about another passion of mine (yes, it still involves photos!).

I often get asked what I do with all the pictures I take and how I go about organizing them. I wish I could say that I have a system that is 100% successful, but I don’t. I print photos for display and I have them organized in files on my computer (always back these up people!). What I wanted was something more though.

I wanted to get my photos OFF my phone and computer. I wanted to be able to look at them easily. I wanted my images to tell a story.

Ever felt like this?

The birth of our 3rd child made me realize just how precious and fleeting childhood is. Seriously, I blinked and our baby is already one! What I decided to do was create something that would serve as a time capsule so to speak. I was never good at doing the baby book thing. My first born’s is probably 70% full, my middle child’s is maybe 40%, and my third child…….well he never had one. The layout just wasn’t for me. It doesn’t leave room for me to get creative with it. I wanted something I could put lots of photos in and journal as I please.

When I was younger I did the traditional scrapbooking method. Lots of paper, stickers, cutting, and pasting. As I got older, I got less interested in that method and the mess drove me crazy. I like things clean, simple, and easy.

So here is my solution to preserving my family memories:
I am creating yearly books (and videos) for each of my three kids. You could do a book for the entire family, but I choose to do them individually because I like to include things that are personal to only them. I take a month by month approach in making these. In addition to photos, I include memories and outings for that month, milestones, letters from myself, funny things they say, and growth stats. I also think it’s fun to ask your child questions and document those as well.

The best part about these yearly books?
Not only am I obsessed with them, but the kids absolutely LOVE their books. They sit and read them and laugh at past memories. My daughter has hers on display in her room so that she can look at it whenever she wants. It’s a book about them so what’s not to love?!

Below I posted some images of what pages in these books look like. Some pages will have lots of writing, others are mostly pictures. Photo journals are meant to be personal to you and your own personal style.

If you are interested in photo journals I am happy to help however I can. I am happy to say that I am now accepting jobs for photo journals and videos!! We all have images forever stuck on our phones and personal devices. I would love to bring those to life!!

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